rockhillmanor wrote:
About tumors. Talk with your vet. I was told by my vet that once you open up a tumor and/or aspirate it to check for cancer cells or to remove it it then spreads like wildfire.
I don't have the technical words for it but when tumors are exposed to air is what the culprit is. When tumors are removed on people it is done so in an environment and with special equipment that no air is exposed to it during removal.
Vets do not have that type of equipment to do surgery with.
Seriously ????
rockhillmanor wrote:
Nor have I met a vet other than my vet that has admitted to that fact and the consequences.
Maybe that's because it's BS
What can and does happen is that the body is stressed by the surgery (natural dump of cortisone is one consequence), the immune system stressed and less effective and if the tumor removal is not complete what is left tends to grow faster than previous to the surgery.
RE: tumor aspiration. It's always better to just guess about what we're dealing with than to get a more definitive answer and make a realistic plan based on facts. (read sarcasm for those of you who can't see that).
Doug, DVM