Mar 8: 2 sets of twins and 1 set of triplets
Mar 9 (as of 10:20am): 1 single and 4 sets of twins
The set of triplets was sad; two were stillborn.
A lamb died overnight. It didn't learn to nurse. We put the teat into its mouth many times and even tried a bottle, but it would not suckle. We tube fed it 3 times in the hope that over time it would learn to nurse and/or we could teach it but to no avail.
Today at around 10am my wife found 9 new born lambs with 5 ewes in a group. She then had to figure out which lamb(s) go with each ewe.
I just got txted that there may be another ewe starting labor. Occasionally we'll see them have a contraction or 2 hrs to days before the start of labor. I saw one last night and it didn't deliver until this morning.
53 live lambs
4 dead lambs
29 ewes have delivered
55-60 were bred (the ear tag #s are written down, I just don't recall the total)
The last possible due date is the end of March