Mar 9: two singles and 4 sets of twins (updated to reflect one more single)
Mar 10: two sets of twins
Mar 11: two singles and 3 sets of twins (as of 9am)
Yesterday’s lower number of new lambs gave me an opportunity to clean out and the-bed 5 out of out 7 pens in the barn. Dig up the wet and dirty straw, add clean straw, add new hay to feed racks, and make sure water bucks are clean and full. Good thing this got done since there were 6 new sets of lambs this morning.
37 ewes delivered
66 live lambs
4 dead lambs
Yesterday Fern and I brought the flock into the barnyard for the night. About 1/2 down the hill to the barn two lambs decided to run back (without their mothers) to where they had been. Fern, like most young dogs, does not view little lambs as something to be worked. Like most young dogs they are wary when the lambs approach them. This meant that I had to run to catch the lambs. They can easily outrun me when they decide to dart. Fern would not stop the lambs when they ran towards her and when I approached the lambs they would dart away. They would follow Fern when she was moving back up the hill but not when I called Fern to come towards me. Let’s just say I have no need to pay for a gym membership to get my cardio work out. (2800 steps on a steep hill while bringing in the flock and chasing lambs)