Sam and Wendy are on high alert tonight.
We have been taking care of a friend’s dogs. We have them kennelled in what was the milk house which now has an attached dog yard. I went up tonight to turn our friend’s dogs out and give them some lovin. Normally Wendy and Sam come visit while these dogs are in their yard. Tonight Wendy and Sam did not cone visit. Also neighbors dogs about 2 fields over were barking on alert which is not normal. I decided to walk out to see where Wendy and Sam were. They were pacing our side of a fence following the scent and sounds of a coyote about 20 yards on the other side of our fence. I could see the coyote and was spot lighting it but due to the terrain Wendy and Sam couldn’t see it. Both of the were periodically giving out deep barks. Meanwhile the ewes and lambs were bedded down near the barn on the other side of the 15 acre field.
Good dogs.