We have 2 dogs one is very big Hank he is a Sheepadoodle 1/2 Old english sheep dog and 1/2 standard poodle. He used to travel very good but lately he seems to have anxiety issues when we travel. Our other dog is a toy poodle and he is fine. Hank started having issues before the MH when we traveled in the truck. He paces and is not settled constantly moving about. My wife doesn't always sit in the front seat of the MH when we travel so Hank wonders up and sits or stands in the front passenger seat which is not safe and my wife gets tired of restraining him from going up front.
Hank is my dog and he wants to be by me I work from home and he goes pretty much everywhere with me at least when it is not too hot to leave him in the truck.
I am going to try giving him something to calm him when we travel. I would like to build some sort of barricade to keep him from the front it seems a pet gate would be a simple solution if I can find one that fits.