All four of our cats are "chipped" but don't wear collars. Two bad experiences many years ago has caused me some anxiety about putting collars on cats. My first cat got it's jaw caught and we could not free him. In the car, my parents had no knife or anything to cut through the collar. We stopped and a kind person cut through it with some kind of snipper. A few years later, picking blueberries on L.I.N.Y. a friend and myself saw something glittering a few feet above the ground in a heavily wooded area adjoining the blueberry patch. Looking closely, we found a cat collar hung up on a branch and small white bones below it including the upper part of a cat skull. The still shiny little tag and collar looked like they had been there for a few years. No contact info was on the tag. This was at least 2 miles from the nearest homes. Only 13 or 14 years old and both animals lovers, we were left feeling sad.....