Forum Discussion

RBak's avatar
Oct 17, 2015

Picky picky eater! update page 2

Andy has liver disease and is on a special prescription diet, and lately he has been turning his nose up at it. He picks at his food, especially in the late afternoon, when he gets a larger amount of food. He actually gets fed 4 times a day, 2 small snacks - I mid morning and 1 at bedtime, then 2 other meals of regular kibble mixed with canned. Both are Prescription Diet ID. He also gets an egg once a day, usually in late afternoon. He'll pick around at the kibble and canned food, but loves Cheerios and he'll beg for any type of table food. We only give him cooked carrots or green beans - no salty snacks or sweets. There's not a great variety of canned ID and my vet knows about this problem I'm having, but there's only so much we can do to get him to eat. He has NOT lost weight but this is worrying me. His liver values are slowly creeping up, so I know what the end result is. Andy's about 11 years old - he's a rescue dog so we don't know his exact birthdate. Any suggestions would be appreciated, especially from those who have had similar problems with "picky" eaters.

