Okay, I've spoken too soon. Darcy just had a repeat episode of anal gland impaction. I saw her scoot just once and the next day spotted a folf ball size swelling. Took her to vet emergency and the Dr lanced it, put some medicine eiyh s dytinge in it with a syringe and sent her home with ten days worth of yellow pills,and a tube of Animax. I rhink he said the pills were a combination of steroid and antibiotic This vet is not one I would want to do other than emergency surgery, just a feeling. In our area, he's the only one available nights and weekends.
So we maybe looking at surgery in the near future but I need to know more about the situation. Different vets have stated that Darcy makes a paste in that gland, not the usual oily substance. I have never detected that odor on her. Is that kind of dog more prone to impactions? Would we be better off having a groomer drain the glands as some of our friends do with their dogs? Darcy's nine and I would prefer to avoid surgery unless it is inevitable?. I guess my question would be, How do you know it's inevitable. Last vet before this one said to only give dry kibble and that actually seems to help make firmer movements This is about her third episode in a year, treatmnt differently by different vets. She's our last dog so we want her to last awhile, but don't want her to be incontinent if that's a posibility. So: Groomer doing routine maintenance or wait? and go to vetsurgeon.That is the big question. enybody (especially DrDoug)Thanks for any advice/experience, on the subject. I know you paid your dues in thisdepartment.