Okay, I sort of have a better idea but we have 4 and a half acres with half that fenced in and our dogs get plenty of exercise. Our backyard is certified by the NWF as a habitat. We have bird baths, feeders, nesting boxes and we've never had to teach the dogs not to chase or harass the birds. However they have a healthy count of caught squirrels, armadillos, raccoons, feral cats and even a gopher. We've seen too many stories of beaten and malnourished dogs to do anything other than rescue them when we can. It's the same thing, at least for me to give up watching and attending bass and catfishing tournaments. All the fun is gone from fishing when it becomes more about working and catching. It seems to me that my grandsons and granddauhter have more fun fishing than we do catching.
I just watched the video and it sure looks like the dog shown previously seemed to have had a great time on the course.
Thanks for the responses.