Mr. Camper,
I wonder what "let a dog be a dog" actually means.
When I read your first post, it was apparent that you had not watched the video. When you did, you found a dog having fun. Not everyone with a dog has 2.25 acres of fenced area for their dogs to run in. We don't. But our dogs get plenty of exercise and probably more "people" time than most pets. They've just finished 4 days of playing on the beach on the Outer Banks. They will be in Montana with us this summer, as they were last summer. Sarah and I will be counselors at a K-9 camp. Our dogs will have 80 acres and two ponds to play in. Yes there will be training. And there will be agility trials that we enter. And all of us - Sarah, me and the dogs, will have fun together.
Oh, on average, our dogs have live almost 15 years. Not bad for a breed that has seen the life expectancy fall below 10 years.
Not all agility venues are the same. In the venue we most often compete, everyone roots for everyone else; everyone is willing to help. And when the day is over, almost all of the exhibitors party together.
She is 18 months and 11 days old. In NADAC, a dog must be at least 18 months old to compete. She is a Pennsylvania girl and was the runt of the litter. She also had the most drive of the litter.