Sorry if I offended. We no longer have or show dogs, having lost our last two last year. We were in the dog show hobby for over 40 years, finished a good number of champions, and also a lot of obedience wins and degrees. And always had lots of fun, took a lot of pride in our successes, and made some of the greatest friends anyone could ever ask for. And being able to look and see some of the ones that we helped starting out that have become well known and respected in their own right now. But yes, as much as I regret to say, there always has been, and always will be a certain amount of snob appeal in the sport. Meanwhile, the rest will still be showing, and taking their share of wins, and enjoying the heck out of doing it for the fun of it!
And for Agility, I think it is one of the best things to ever come along, and probably the most fun for both the dogs and their owners. I really regret that due to health and age, we were able to participate only as spectators and cheering sections.