Really nice development for Razz.
Re: dogs being dogs
Over the thousands of years dogs have been domesticated, they have evolved, developed, learned, adopted (whatever term you want to use) many different behaviors that make them what they are today.
That is not a single type as there are dogs that like to and are good at rooting out things, sniffing things, chasing things, finding things, protecting things, comforting things, swimming, running and playing. Most adolescent dogs have high energy levels and if their natural tendencies are not guided or focused by us, their behavior can make them unwelcome companions.
Everything can be taken to extremes, but this type of joint effort by dog and handler benefits all, the dogs get genuine pleasure from the interaction, exercise and praise while the people benefit from the same.
All dogs can't do agility as all dogs can't hunt, do search and rescue, swim and there are a bunch that don't fit the cuddle/companion type. Finding what your dog likes and developing an appropriate outlet for that desire and energy is "letting a dog be a dog" while being a good responsible owner.
It produces a well adjusted, happy canine citizen.
Just my $.02
Doug, DVM