To clarify: I wasn't saying that I didn't want people to say not to do it, just don't say "never do that" without adding articulate reasoning.
I had not considered riding with him in the 5th wheel, but now that its been mentioned, I see several positives to this. I think I'll have the wife ride with him on a shorter trip (she's not comfortable driving this rig). Not only will she get to experience what he feels, but having her with him until he becomes accustomed to traveling in the trailer will quell most any anxiety it may cause.
There is no problem with he and the boy being separated during transport.
No, a Ram 3500 doesn't have the towing capacity we need. I don't know i they make a 5500 megacab, but that's worth looking onto next time we trade. We'd really live to move to a Freightliner M2, but the crew cab version really doesn't offer much more room and they're quite expensive.
Thank you to those who suggested riding with him. That's the type of advice I was asking for. Any other suggestions would be appreciated.
I am very worried about this issue (thanks to all the people who basically say that you don't care about your pets if you do this). I was really looking for valid reasons why it would be unsafe. I don't think there are any.
Most people can't imagine the love we have for this animal. He is as much a member of our family as any child. He is a lifeline (literally) to our son, and we can't imagine life without him. Losing him would be like losing a child to us, or to our son, would be losing a parent...