I too have heard if one wants to continue feeding dog food that Evangers or Canidae the only ones that still may be safe.
We immediately went to home feeding our two the date the first recall was announced. I would highly recommend everyone get a full blood panel run. Ours did show an elevated alkaline phosphatase level which means along the way the Pedigree canned or Nutro Natural Dry with the accumulation of melamine caused this damage. Melamine has been in almost all dogfood brands for years and other toxic chemicals also.
Pets continue even now to be poisoned and die. Many dog foods are still being made by Menu and Diamond. Many brands have not announced recalls and still are killing animals. The FDA still has not been granted mandatory recall power so they must depend upon companies self-reporting.
The only reprieve now is for the individual and class action lawsuits working their way through the courts. Many states have federal cases going. Since these are big corporations no doubt cases will need to make it passed a federal court upon appeal.
Make sure everyone here becomes educated to this Pet 911 by visiting the links I have posted and spread the word.