Forum Discussion

bclan6's avatar
May 12, 2015

Rv'ing with large dog. Leave alone in RV?

We've made a few trips so far that only required to leave the RV for about an hour (with A/C on).
What about sightseeing at locations 15-30 minutes from your campground though? I don't like the idea of leaving our dog for so long or while we're so far away. He doesn't bark when we're not there (so we're told), but I don't want to take any chances of something going wrong.

I'm not pulling Toad yet but even if I do, the car is too hot to leave him. Would rather keep him in cool RV. Most places we are going are outside or right at campground but there are a few museums I want to go to.

What is your plan when taking Fido? Do you leave him in RV, board him in the city you're sightseeing during the day?

Any advice or ideas I've yet to think of is welcomed!!

Thank you!
  • I have a 6 mo old Golden now and had an older Golden, both will just lay there the puppy may bark a few times as you leave where he is but he quickly just lays down. My previous golden I left a couple times for like an hour to maybe two in the summer. Of course I had the ac on and a box fan facing the main area where he was plugged in to a plug on a diff breaker.

    My concern was always loss of power or ac trips a breaker. The one and only time I asked the office to check on my camper one time while I was gone for about an hour and a half she said.... No, you can't leave your dog alone. I think I'd be more prone to just take my Golden with me and leave the truck running if it's hot while we do whatever.

    Taking animals changes everything, we usually stay at the cg once we get there and if some leave to the store others are still around to keep watch. Most RV's get hot fast when the ac shuts down.
  • We had 4 Labs who we left in the RV for several hours. Well behaved, did not chew or bark. Left food/water/heat/AC and he'd settle down after 10 minutes.
    Slept most of the time. We checked on him the first few times and he was fast asleep soon after we left. The minute we returned, he would get hugs and a long walk so making the experience pleasant.

    I had crate trained the dogs since young, so he was used to being left alone in a quiet place.

    One of the dogs was left for 10 hours accidentally as we went on a fishing trip that was delayed. No issues.

    Try an hour or two at first and look for signs of stress (chewing, panting, pacing, self-abuse) - if the dog settles quickly, then you'll be okay.

  • We leave our 2 in the fiver with no issue. They like to look out the window so I leave the blinds open and the radio playing. Has not been an issue yet.
  • We have 70lb German Shepherd. No short hair about him though. My son wanted an Akita.
    I a bike rack attached to tow hitch and have wrapped a cable round the base to let him roam a bit while we're outside,giving us all a break fro the 6' leash rule.
    he has never messed in house or the rv. no chewing, but his nose shuts off the generator and messed up the a/c fuse (thank goodness it started working again).

    he's still young and barks when we leave, but we'll go around the block and he isn't barking anymore. when we come back he isn't barking. he's pretty well behaved for his age. He pulls too much on leash (trying to fix that). feel bad for poor soul if we were ever broken into though. surprise!!
  • I have left my dogs in the RV with the A/C on for many hours. As long as 6 hours while taking the Durango - Silverton train there, and the quick bus back so that I was home as soon as possible to get the dogs out before they had to 'wait' to long! They did not make a mess.

    It was a 120# Akita and 65 pound German Shorthair.

    I did attach some cables to the outside of my motorhome, to make getting them outside very quick and easy. So the 3/8" eyebolts I could attach a 15' long steel plastic coated cable, with hooks on both ends. Then park, level, and get outside, hook up two cables, and they came outside right away! Ready to start smelling what new place they had arrived at!

    If we where dry camping, far away from anyone, I would put a screw in stake out in the middle of a field, and tie on a 50' cable for the Akita. The German Shorthair never wandered far, at least not far enough to get lost on her way back home.

    I have left the dogs in the RV with both Fantastic fans running. I had a 400 watt solar system that kept the battery full, and fans could run all night if required. The RV stays pretty cool, even on a 85F day, and the dogs 'should' be sleeping on the cold floor, not the couch or bed.. . . However there where days when dog hair was found on the couch or bed.

    Have fun camping and sightseeing!

  • Up to an hour or two - we leave out St Bernard in our TT with air on and water supplied. Not a prob. I would assume it depends upon the dog and the temperament.
  • If your Fido is quiet and social, leave him at home. Give the camp your phone # to contact you if he acts out while you are away.
    Day care is always an alternative, maybe by another camper. Talk to the camp staff if you are unsure.
  • Like Children, it depends on how mature they behave. Takes a good bit of time to get them to be "adult."
    Friends have a dog that started the generator up.
    We told him to not leave the keys where she could get them.