Yup, a few months after we purchased our Outback, (our first camper with slides), I ripped off some trim around the slide out because an upper cabinet door came open and rubbed the slide while extracting. I ended up using good old carpenter's glue and my air-nail gun with finishing nails to put the trim back up. Luckily, it just popped off and didn't break. I would have been crying.
Lesson learned the hard way. Now ... always double check clearance before moving the slides!
FYI, we just purchased 2 Dell lap top computers. We went high end this time. With an external keyboard and mouse for both computers, the total bill was over 2K for both. Then we added on Word and Excel for both. But the difference between these machines and the $150 one's we've been getting, and only last a year or two, the difference in these is amazing! The keyboard also flips upside down and the screen can function as a Notebook, with touch screen. Very sweet! (But we also use our computers for work too, so really needed the beefier ones).
So, here's your opportunity for Santa to bring you something REALLY nice!