sher9570 wrote:
Beautiful view from that balcony but I wonder if you'll have to fence off so the wee's won't get through it... or is it tighter than it looks.
It's so nice to have a lot of ex pats to help you out!
we put up some barrier material at home as our deck was very high and neither of the girls ever tried to go thru the bars so we ended up removing it...but I will be watching them like a hawk to see if they show any interest in looking over the rail....Zari probably wont as she is scared of her own shadow but that daredevil Izzy might...
we were to be at the embassy at 9 this morn for our final certifications....and they were closed...I am just about going crazy with worry as we are to fly out on Wed and can't without those stamps...yikes....I think I have aged 10 yrs during this process !