Forum Discussion

rockhillmanor's avatar
Jan 28, 2015

SuperBowl Ad w/Dog a REAL loser

Watched a preview of the GoDaddy SuperBowl commercial and was just shocked.

Starts with a guy throwing a puppy out the window of a truck on the side of the road.

Dog wanders and wanders around and finds his way home and owner picks it up and literally throws it into the back of fedex type truck.

Owner says glad you made it cause I just sold you on line! :E

So wrong on SO many levels. dumping dogs, selling dogs on the internet, depicting the owner as a puppy mill, shipping dogs, etc.

Grrrr, I was so mad. But figured by morning once all the animal activists saw this clip it WOULD be in the news.

Well it did this morning on GMA. Talk about GoDaddy actually pulling the ad.
WHAT WERE they thinking when the put this ad together? :?

EDIT: HSUS/SPCA gets up and all over GoDaddy for promoting puppy mills.
GoDaddy just pulled the ad! YEA!


"The SPCA @animalrescuers
If you can buy a puppy online and have it shipped to you the next day, it's likely you're supporting inhumane breeding.
  • I used to be in Marketing/Advertising. They should have known better. The humor is thin at best, and when people see puppies falling out of a truck it's going to make them feel uncomfortable, which is not going to help them sell anything. Budweiser isn't even a competitor of theirs, so I doubt many people made that connection.
  • OK, nothing new and a bunch of posts off topic. Time to close.