Deb and Ed M wrote:
colliehauler wrote:
Try not to feel sadness when you see things that remind you of Jimmy.
Thank you - this might sound crazy but I believe their spirits continue to hang around us, so things that remind me of dogs I've loved, seem reassuring.... My Vet offers to have a pawprint made for Jimmy; plus his cremains will join a few other dogs on my bedroom dresser.
A funny story: Augie is a half-brother to my daughter Lisa's Aussiedoodle. When we picked up Augie, the breeder said that Lisa had told her that "if I (Lisa) die - I want to come back as one of my Mom's dogs" :-)
I'm glad I'm amongst dog lovers - anyone else would think I'm just batty....
I agree with you on their spirits hanging around. One of my doggies in particular made her presence known for quite awhile. I've also noticed that when we adopt a new dog after looking for sometime, the new dog has certain characteristics of the one we just lost. Pretty sure I'm not imagining things because hubby tells me the same.