Forum Discussion

raindove's avatar
Sep 09, 2015

The house keeps getting quieter.....

We lost our little Sage on the 17th of August. Last evening we said good-bye to DH's Chesapeake Bay Retriever, Chelsea.

In 2003, she was dumped out along the road in a very rural/sparsely populated area. She laid in the ditch beside the road for 4 days waiting for her people to return for her. Finally, someone called the dog warden, who picked her up and took her to the shelter. She was there a couple of months.

DH fell in love with her, and brought her home. She was estimated at about 2 yrs of age. She was hard-headed and stubborn - which I believe is characteristic of the breed. She had a sound temperament and was extremely loyal. She was healthy, never sick a day in her life -- her only trips to the vet were for vaccines and wellness check. At least until the last few months.

Last winter she was really slowing down. We've had her on anti-inflammatories and pain meds for a while. Things declined for her and it was time to release her from the pain she was experiencing. She couldn't walk without assistance and was turning down food.

She saved my life this past winter when the exhaust pipe on the woodstove malfunctioned and the house filled with smoke while I was sleeping. Had she not persistently been barking, I wouldn't have woke up and wouldn't be here to tell this story.

She's not in pain any more. Until we meet again.....
  • Oh Wanda,

    I am so sorry to hear of your loss. What a gem Chessies are. She looked like a sweet girl. Letting her go was a gift to her.
    Bless you and DH. I'm sure he needs lots of support now and we send our condolences.

    Next month has to be better.
  • Run free, Chelsea! She will be waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge.

    We lost both of our dogs earlier this year. Golden Retriever, Gentleman Gus, died in January of sudden heart failure. Tripawd Lab/Chessie, Murphy, left us in April due to an aggressive bone lesion In his remaining hip. It was the first time in our 38 years of marriage that we were dogless. Our Ollie, a year and a half old yellow Lab, joined the family in June and has done a masterful job of filling the huge hole that Gus and Murphy left.
  • We're so sorry to hear of your loss, RainDove - especially so soon after Sage's passing.

    You're right - it's never easy.

    Thank you for giving them both (and all your furry ones) wonderful lives.
  • A number of years ago, we lost two only 4 days apart, and that was right before Christmas that time.

    That's what happens when you have multiple seniors.

    We took in an 11 yr old boy back in June. I knew Sage wasn't doing well, but really expected her to last another year. And Chelsea was declining, but again, didn't expect things to spiral downhill as fast as they did. Certainly wasn't the right time to add another dog in our minds, but some days the heart rules.

    I truly believe everything happens for a reason, even though it may not be clear at the time.
    If we hadn't taken in the new boy, our Cowboy would be alone now. He has never been alone without another dog in his entire life. So we are really glad to have Robbie here with us.

    Cowboy has struggled with losing Sage, but is coming around. I see the two boys' bond with each other growing. They are starting to bounce around together and interact more. All in all, it was an easy fit with the new boy.

    It's never easy losing any of them.
  • So sorry to hear. Losing one is bad enough-two back-to-back is almost unbearable. We lost our last Gordon and our Bloodhound a few months apart. We had gotten Jesse in the interim so there was a bit of a cushion but losing two in such a short time frame is very hard. You're in my thoughts and prayers.