I totally agree with LadyRVer!
Our dogs are part of our family and they go everywhere with us. That means, sometimes, one of us stays behind while the the other goes to the grocery store, but that's just the way it is.
When traveling, we choose restaurants where we can eat outside and the dogs are welcome to sit with us. Just last week-end, we were returning home. We stopped at a Hardees. I pulled into a spot away from everything, pulled out the awning, got 4 smaller lawn chairs out, our quick and easy folding table and set it all up. Dogs stayed with me while the wife went inside and got our order (even some plane burgers for the dogs).
She came out, I was set up and we had a marvellous picnic! Dog were happy, had a patch a grass to potty in, sniff, and roll around on. We at, dogs ate, finished, put everything back in place, and from start to finish, 45 minutes and we were on the road again.
We plan our activities with the dogs. Of course we do a lot of natural stuff ... we don't do movies, shopping malls, sporting events, amusement parks, theaters, plays, things like that. We do plan walking trails, driving, site seeing, and plan outside activities where the dogs can came along.
Only very, very, very rarely have we ever left the dogs in the camper. Even doing laundry and grocery shopping, the dogs come along. IF the dogs are alone, it's only for a few minutes. I mean... only a few.
We also train our dogs at home, just in case. We park the camper at home and use it full time all Summer. We will deliberately leave the dogs inside the camper for short periods of time while we do things (sometimes in the house or yard), just so they do get accustom to being alone and won't bark like they are being tortured to death.
They have learned we always come come. For short periods (when testing the waters), they don't bark. We do this at home so in the event, while camping, if we ever do have to separate from the dogs a while, they are somewhat accustomed to being a long. But in the last 30 years of camping with dogs (tent, pop-up, trailer), we've not had to leave them behind except maybe, a couple times. We include them in everything. After all, we brought them along. They are part of our family too. They are our kids now!
We also have a cat, but he's pretty independent. Still, he adapted to the camping life style just great. He doesn't mind being left along, but we still include him wherever we feel he's safe and not terrified out of his mind. His comfort safe zone is inside the camper.
We now have 2 dogs. Our daughter gave us her dachshund, which adapted to our camping life style as naturally as anything. She's a great camping dog too.
Enjoy: I drug these up from the last year: