Forum Discussion

rr2254545's avatar
Oct 18, 2013

Unusual pet

As you can see we have been in a lot of campgrounds the last 4 years up to now the most unusual pet was a parrot.

In our current campground there is a pot bellied pig, complete with ramp to get he/she out of the motor home.
  • I was sitting in a friends kitchen in front of the window that faced the neighbours back yard...lo and behold there was a pig in that yard, wearing a sweater...the owners had traveled coast to coast in their RV with the pig LOL
  • FYI Here is the rule for FLorida State Parks.

    Domestic animals are allowed and "Non-furbearing pets, such as reptiles, birds or fish, must be confined or under the physical control of the owner. Some animals may be prohibited on park property. Captive wild species, whether native or non-native and barnyard animals, except horses, are prohibited"
  • Having lived on a farm, many 'things' became pets. Geese, turkeys, even honey bees! I have seen cage birds in campgrounds, and I would love to see a pet piggy! Unfortunately, I think many CGs would ban unusual pets.