i try to cut down vet bills by doing a lot myself. i give all shots myself except rabies, i trim my dogs nails myself. i found for dogs with mange that the lice stuff for kids will get rid of mange so that will cut down that cost. you can give pumpkin mix to a dog for constipation, pedialyte sp? will work fine for a dog who has severe vomiting or diarrhea. these are things my vet told me to do when i had a breeding kennel and took my dogs there. he saw i was treating my dogs good and was being a responsible breeder so he helped me cut costs. some people medicine is ok for dogs, Pepto-Bismol, cough syrup, if a Dr gives you erythromycin for your dog its a placebo for you. it does nothing for the dog its a blank pill. peanut butter, raisins, lettuce, and cooked onions are poison to dogs.