This is not intended as advice, just to share an experience.
We have been RVing for about 17 years. We used to wonder why in the world people were taking their dogs along with them. We said to each other, "I'm sure glad we don't have a dog. I would not put up with what those people are doing!"
Seven years ago a black, over-grown puppy showed up at our back door. At first my wife was insisting that we call the city to come pick up the dog. -- cut long story -- that puppy has grown up to be an 80 pound black lab mix. I think sometimes my wife would get rid of me before getting rid of "Daisy." She has added much to the lives of an old couple and she has now been in most of the states of this Union.
It really has not been much of a burden. We certainly do not think of it that way. Daisy, at home and on the road, adds much to the joy of our lives. We still laugh occasionally at the fact that we are now doing what we once thought unthinkable.