Forum Discussion

uncle_t's avatar
Mar 21, 2015

yuma law re pets in RV

just tried to book a few days at the Palms in Yuma. replied we had 1 cat to the any pets question. was told to fax/bring proof of vaccinations to the park. After a bit of back and forth in which I explained that folks usually don't carry that document in their RV short of visiting Canada( where we had it but were never asked to produce it)and that our dear feline never leaves the coach, the clerk was adamant stating it was required by law. I pointed out we were currently in Casa Grande for months and no such thing existed here she replied it was a Yuma ordinance. I cannot locate any mention of said ordinance on line so I come to this forum where thousands of you spend time in Yuma in parks with your pets. Is this a fact? If not, pass on The Palms as their staff are on drugs of some variety. of course I know how to answer the any pets? question in the future.
  • If it a law or a rule at this particular park does not really matter.

    The OP lost all credibility when the OP said:"If not, pass on The Palms as their staff are on drugs of some variety."

    To accuse some one of using drugs because they don't like the rule or law, is out of bounds, unsubstantiated to say the least, and just plain vicious.
  • rabies is a very bad thing. Our feline is vaccinated religiously. Do you carry proof of same with you? Have you ever been asked to prove vaccinations in any RV park in the USA? My thread was started to ascertain if anyone in Yuma parks with pets has gone through the same scrutiny. It was not intended to discuss the merits of vaccinating your pets.

    Is it okay to "lie" about having a house cat with you? absolutely not. one will burn in hell forever for doing so. Silly me. I thought the "any pets" question was to weed out dangerous breeds.
  • Valkyriebush wrote:
    Never been ask to show documents for my dog but we always bring our household filing box with ALL our Important documents in it when on the road, including current vaccinations on our pug. Not a big deal, no need to make it one.

    I don't bring the originals, but I bring copies of important documents, including dog immunizations, and human meds/health info. ICE numbers, etc. No one has ever asked to see the pet info, but I know to bring it-rather than chance ruining a trip because someone asked to see it.
  • Never been ask to show documents for my dog but we always bring our household filing box with ALL our Important documents in it when on the road, including current vaccinations on our pug. Not a big deal, no need to make it one.
  • I'm with the previous posters. What's the problem? I'm aware of the Canadian laws regarding pets and I have been told by many people who travel extensively that most states have similiar laws. They just don't enforce them. We now travel with complete vet documentation on all three dogs. Our pets are well known to the local vet and if a problem arises he is only a phone call away. Our pets are our children!
  • I can understand why uncle is reluctant if he's just on vacation from another state. Not going to want to run home to get the paperwork! And it is NOT a federal law.......

    As for the "requirement".....our friends stayed at The Palms and never was asked that question (they have 2 dogs). Also, we have 2 cats and have NEVER been asked, anywhere in Oregon, California, Utah, Idaho, OR Arizona for the papers.......and we've been on the road since last fall. If it's something that has come up in the last week, we'd have heard about it in the news.

    Call back, and get a different clerk....see if they ask that question again.
  • Why are you so relunctant to supply the requested information? Rabies is a serious problem so supplying proof is to me simple logic. To me it is akin to the certain dog breed restrictions. It is their right to ask, and your right to refuse if you dont want to stay there!