mlts22 wrote:
I see entire languages devoted to the "it compiled successfully, ship it" method of software development. This is why we have so many security problems with almost every single piece of software out there, just because there is no thought of doing anything but making a mass of half-baked code before a deadline.
Maybe I'm showing my age, but I remember Word 3.0 running on a Mac Plus, which had a spell checker, and did 95% of the features Word 2013 does... but would entirely fit, with a copy of the OS, and space for Word documents, in less than 800k of disk space. WordPerfect for MS-DOS is another example.
MS WordPad is more akin to Word 3.0 and uses up about 4.4MB.
MS Word 2013 does things far above and beyond that of Word 3.0, you just don't use it for that. If all you need is Word 3.0 capability, save yourself the money and just use the built-in WordPad application. :)
Either way, 64bit is the way to go unless you're trying to play Kings Quest I on your machine, at which point I believe they have emulators for that. :)