Mountain Mama wrote:
I mainly use my iPad mini which requires Wi-Fi. I just signedup for Hoopla thru my local library and it showed a that there is also an app for Hoopla. What, if any, is the advantage of installling the app? . . .
With the app installed on your iPad mini, you should be able do everything that your computer does. Download books and read them on your iPad mini. Browse the library, return or reserve materials, etc.
Some apps, such as one by Alaska Airlines, lets you check flight status, do check in with your phone, etc. BUT - always check out the app before AND during installation.
Example: Alaska Airlines asked permission to upgrade their app and when I went to do so I noticed that the app now wanted a lot of new permissions such as access to my photos and phone contact list. They don't need that. And so I denied the app permission.