Gdetrailer wrote:
Oh the ignorance and disdain for older software is just amazing.
We obviously live in parallel universes. :)
I am not ignorant about older software, I started my career in computers in 1960 and have seen it all. And I don't have disdain for older software, I thought DOS WordPerfect was wonderful when it came out.
But the world moves on. Schools (and society) are increasingly moving to much cheaper to purchase and maintain Chromebooks, open source software, and cloud computing, etc that are very far removed from what you are describing.
I worked for about three years for a public high school after I retired that had hundreds of PCs, servers and a network that I helped support. Support was the big issue, not computer hardware or software acquisition. We would not take donated computers back then that were one-of-a-kind due to support costs. And this was back around 2001.
I don't think our throwaway society is sustainable and that recycling is admirable, but there are limits.
I hope the OP finds someone willing to take his older software, but I would not be optimistic. I stand by my original statement.