The new HR44 Genie has brought back the "beep" when aligning the dish but you have to be physically close enough to hear it. And it is a bit slow in responding to little tweaks.
The Dishpointer app will verify you have a clear shot at the satellite. I highly recommend the tripod from TV4RV (yea I know there are other places but TV4RV is great to work with). Set the elevation and skew for your location, plant the tripod per the instructions, attach the antenna and you usually are good to go (or very, very close).
I have a friend who uses a good old squeal meter to peak the signal. An Accutrac II (hard to find) is an inexpensive (~$80) meter which works really well. If you want to be sure, use a Satlook Lite meter (~$210) that identifies the satellite (including SWM systems) and makes aligning the dish child's play.