burlmart wrote:
Two of the latest comments from MS's Paulus article I kinked to earlier.
It's always the money!
"When we talk to customers we get a few different reasons why they don't migrate — a lot of it has to do with money. People don't want to move if they don't have to," he said.
Of course, it's only good business to avoid expense where it's not required. If XP is doing the job, let it continue to do the job. Heck, if you're still running Wordstar and Lotus 123 and it's working for you, stick with it.
However, the disingenuous nature of this is that big corps can still buy support and update. For Microsoft to offer these means that the crews who find and stomp out bugs, etc., are still around and doing their thing. If they are, and they're creating fixes for these bugs, then Microsoft should share them with the entire user base. I would think they open themselves up to huge liability if there's a bug fix available but they refuse to distribute it.
XP's x-it
This is not just about better OSs, but more about MS wanting to make more money, having squeezed every cent from its then-current system.
If something works well, leave it alone (something that often drives companies to look "retro" lately); the no-change option is now becoming more acceptable, thankfully. It's not always clever to change, especially if it's just for the sake of kudos/image/whatever!
Instead of waving XP goodbye, MS should revert to its active support immediately. It's about maintaining OSs with compatible hardware.
So, Jay Paulus, I'm not getting rid of my little Toshiba NB-100 just because of your flawed management technique.
Ever heard of preservation and conservation? It's an environment thing...
I have a pc, a laptop, and a netbook that all work well with XP but don't have the capacity to upgrade. I am not going to throw away those functioning computers because MS decided to write memory and drive hog OS replacements.