Interesting! Funny, once you get older and fall behind a bit, you get very comfortable with it - and costs drop dramatically. I happened to find 30 Dell dual core 4 GHz 4 GB desktops at the local dump, thrown out by a school because they got 5 years old. They were sold with Vista and probably ran slow. I have just outfitted three of them with new hard drives and installed XP Pro to replace the ten year old desktops in our house. They are quite peppy! They compile a 43 000 line Delphi program in 1.5 seconds, twice as fast as my old machine. That's $60 to probably get five years of use. I wonder what I will find in the dump in 5 years?
I gave up on virus checkers running all the time, using half the processor speed and never finding any viruses. I do run a firewall, use mostly sites I know, and scan with Malwarebytes every month or if anything seems odd. I have very complete backups including the old computers still in full working order. And I have a spare computer or two in case any parts fail. No worries.