They know Vertical as "Portrait" and horizontal as "Landscape".
Alas. the Dumbing Down of America in evidence, I fear.
There is a you tube video where they gave some teens a period of time to actually DIAL a phone number..... No buttons (Save the hang up buttons in the cradle (Just a big wheel with 10 holes in it.
Did not watch it.. but I'm sure the kids had problems.
I have also heard that places are removing analog clocks because people can't tell what time it is (I wear a "Digi-log" watch. it's digital but the display is analog with hour, minute and second (multi function second) hands... It's also a watch I never set... Tells the correct time even if I don't set it ("Atomic" watch set by WWJ, the national bureau of standards)
And a frequent MEME on Facebook is "Soon we seniors will be able to communicate in a super secret code the youngers won't understand...Cursive"
Sadly.. all true