I have owned both, and I am sticking with Android for now. Apple gives you the least hardware for the most money. I got my Note 9 for $500 and it runs circles around the comparable $1000 Apple at the time. It takes an 256 gig sd card and I have 90 gigs of music on it, can't do that with Apple. Plus I don't like Itunes. Apple advantage is faster update, less bloat(I think), and they do support their phones with updates longer than Android. Another Apple advantage is Imessage, but all Android manufactures are working together and will match that soon. Another thing that sticks in my craw was their intentional slowing of phones. I don't buy their bs about needing to do it cause of ageing batteries. Apple is no longer reporting it's Iphone shipments to hide the obvious; the cachet they use to have is wearing away and their just not worth the money. Fully 30% of the parts in an Iphone are made by Samsung anyway, including the screen and battery, so all you have left is essentially the OS.