If you can live with an older generation iPhone check with your local AT&T for promotions. About 2 years ago they had the iPhone 6S, which can do everything I need it to do for $125. The catch was I had to sign up for their streaming service for one month. But I didn't have to pay for one month. The salesman said "just cancel the service when you get home ". Which I did. They probably have a similar promotion now and if you don't need the latest and greatest it works great. On the other hand if you require the latest phone you're gonna have to pay big bucks, something I refuse to do for any phone. Only downside is it won't be able to get 5G. But who knows when that's gonna happen in our area.
As to which better, it's a matter of taste. We have Apple, or friends have Android and everybody's happy.
Heck my daughter has one of those inexpensive Google phones and really
likes it!