I don't believe the OPs question concerns bandwidth? Rather connection related?
I once had a wireless mobile 4G hotspot that had limited broadcast range. Not strong enough for a reliable WiFi signal on different floors. So used a second hand Linksys-N router found in a thrift store for a few dollars, and flashed with open source firmware to get repeater mode. And used the Linksys to manage all the WiFi connections. So, essentially, the router would auto login to the hotspot WiFi using a single connection. And the Linksys would handle all other WiFi connections throughout the whole house. Which also had the capability to boost the broadcast power of the router, providing at least 80% signal strength. Whereas, the hotspot could barely manage 10%-20%, unless you were within fairly close range of it.
Was also able to manage QoS using the flashed Linksys router, so was able to allocate bandwidth priority to VoIP devices. Something most all mobile hotspots cannot do.