Janss wrote:
I guess I'm in kindergarten then, because I had been wondering why the often discussed Jack antenna, for example, labels itself as an HDTV Antenna
That is easy.. If I offered you two IDENTICAL antennas.. one says
"Television Antenna" on the box and the other one which costs 25% more says "HDTV" which are you more likely to buy?
Well. YOU... perhaps will buy smart. But most folks will buy the "HDTV" antenna.
The next question is "How can they get away with it?" Answer. Simple. it really is an HDTV antenna... So is the other one (recall they are identical) as any TV antenna is an HDTV antenna. Thus it's not even false advertising.. It is the brain of the buyer that is faulty.
I recall an FMCA rally where folks were selling bow-tie UHF antennas for 99 bucks, these things sell for like 20 bucks at Radio Shack (if that) but they marked them HDTV and sold 'em for 99 bucks,
And what's worse.. They won't pick up some HDTV stations where as the antenna they were replacing (WInegard) would...