learntorv wrote:
A friend was required to be on live video for work. He said he used 6 to 8 terabytes (TB) of data per month. He had a couple of grandfathered unlimited Verizon plans. It's worked well for him for the past couple of years. I honestly don't know how he never got pinched- friends had a grandfathered Verizon plan and Verizon cancelled it on them after they consistently used 800-900gb per month.
My family had both a grandfathered unlimited data plan on AT&T and one on Verizon. I always debated getting a 3rd provider for some of the more urban areas we would camp in snowbirding season. We used anywhere from 200-500gb per month.
I'm betting your friend got his units mixed up. You can run SD video 24/7 for a month on only use about 0.5TB. So with other use, he may have been using 0.6-0.8TB.
And as you say, the companies watch usage and will cancel you for abusing the unlimited plans.