Blu-Ray is not a good idea for backing up data. It will cost more. It will be a lot slower. It will only be useable with a computer later that has a Blu-Ray player. And it is not likely to be around in the future.
I have seen 4 floppy disks and drives become obsolete as well as 5 different tape drive formats. Even IDE drives are no longer usable in a computer you buy today.
The safest backup is a dual hard drive case with two hard drives that are setup for RAID1. These you can buy pre-done and ready to run. With these when one drive fails you have everything backed up to the second on the second drive.
For general data that is less than 1GB that you don't mind sharing with the federal government and their 2 million contractors can be put on Google.
For archival information we backup data once a year on to a small USB hard drive and then have it stashed offsite. In the event of a fire we still have the offsite drive to start again. As we gain more data to archive we go to a new and larger capacity hard drive.