Forum Discussion

Happytraveler's avatar
Aug 02, 2015

Bluetooth Extender

What is a good Bluetooth Extender that will work with an AT&T Connect to Cell phone and a LG dumb phone? I need to extend the bluetooth range to another room in my parents home.
  • Did a google search for "bluetooth extender" and it came up with several hits. Checked one link to make sure we were talking about the same thing and it said it was a bluetooth 2.0 extender.

    I work in the industry and had never heard of it either. Learned something new today.
  • wa8yxm's avatar
    Explorer III
    Is it Blue Tooth or Wi-Fi you need to extend.. normally BT is used for close stuff like shipping audio to speakers or video to a TV or a printer in the room.

    And on printers my phone prints via the LAN (or rather the W-LAN) not BT (Wi-Fi is caLled W-lan on my router).

    LAN=Local area net wired
    W-LAN Local Wireless network
    WAN = Wide Area Net (internet)

    At least in my wireless router's lexicon Yes, similar wording is confusing.
  • They do make long range Bluetooth devices for specialized applications, but not repeaters per se which is what you would need. At least, I've never heard of one?
  • therink wrote:
    I have never heard of a blue tooth extender. Maybe there is one? Dunno.
    I know of wifi extenders. They work well and I use one in my house as well as at the Campsite.

    Perhaps they don't make them.
  • I have never heard of a blue tooth extender. Maybe there is one? Dunno.
    I know of wifi extenders. They work well and I use one in my house as well as at the Campsite.