Topic has been pretty well covered. I've had BOTH direct tv AND Dish service AND at one time you COULD buy a Dish 'box'and OWN it--I don't know if that is still true or not. With Direct TV I CAN buy a box and I CAN say I own it, but it is worthless without the service, same with Dish. So the main difference is what COMES with Direct TV OWNERSHIP, vs getting the 'box' from Direct. Main difference I see is that if a 'box' from Direct TV crashes, they will replace it and NOT EXTEND the contract and usually--but not guaranteed--you will get a NEWER edition box. If one you BOUGHT other than thru Direct crashes, if you BUY another one other than DTV you will then start a new 2 year contract on it. Also, the longer you are a customer with Direct (and I would assume with Dish) the BETTER the deal they give you when you HAVE to replace a box. For example, I recently had a DTV box I got through DTV several years ago crash---when I called for instructions to 'replace' they said I'd been with them long enough that they would replace the older version box with a new Genie. I asked 'how much?" and they started out at $25, but by the time I was finished they not only gave it to me free but they shipped it free AND they did NOT extend the contract beyond the 1.5 years I currently have left. I think it primarily depends on WHO your talk to, HOW long you've been their customer, and HOW nice you talk with them.