scbwr wrote:
mabynack wrote:
You probably need to clean the autofocus sensor. Also try cleaning your lenses. I always keep a UV filter on my lenses and replace them about once a year. It's a lot cheaper to replace the filter than the lens.
Why do you need to replace the UV filter?? Isn't taking them off periodically and cleaning all you need to do. I use UV filters on my lenses but certainly don't need to replace them. I'm just curious...don't mean to imply anything but that.
yep, basically I put a new UV or clear filter on a new lens, just blow the dust off the lens,I do NOT wipe it, and that filter stays on indefinitely unless of course a Pol. filter is needed. I certainly don't remove the filter to clean the lens or inner surface of the filter as that shouldn't be needed. if the UV filter needs replacing you must be cleaning with sandpaper?????? I am not one who subscribes to the school that a clear/UV filter will degrade the image to any meaningful degree.
and do NOT try cleaning the sensor yourself, have a professional do it.