Analog TV. get an old VCR from a thrift shop for 10 bucks and use the 3-cable (A/V) input
Digital as I said I have a converter that does it in fact I have a spare I can not use... Kind of a long story on that. But you can get those off E-bay or Amazon for less than I would have to give the post office.
Or a DVR. I THink TiVo makes a stand alone over the air DVR yet can be used for ATSC over the air or QAM or NTSC cable.. Will auto detect format and record it and then ship it out via either A/V or HDMI to your display device. I do not have TiVo? (I have other hardware no longer made) but this has the advantage of that movie or TV show on at 3AM you would like to watch. though not at 3AM or that show that is showing while you are out and about at 3PM (or 7pm with your darling at supper) RECORDED for later playback when nothing interesting is on.