Dog Folks wrote:
"Why haven't the CGs gotten into the 21st century with wifi across the park?"
Because they want to attract campers but don't want to spend the big money it takes for a good system.
DING,,We have a winner.....
I have two campgrounds I visit where I have had chats with the staff.
The one I'm in now.. He has a wide coverage antenna that would greatly improve coverage where I am (But then I have a long range antenna so I'm at 40 percent saturation on the limiters (A very very good signal) as a r****.. the antenna is 20 feet up a flagpole though,, and directional).
He said he does not have enough bandwidth to hook up the good antenna.
The other one has a park wide network of repeaters, but turned it off cause they use Verizon 2-way satellite... I have suggested a couple companies they should check out (Excide would work well for them).
A third park I frequent has "Park wide Wi-fi" only it only covers about 3/4 the park.. and in the summer it's dang near useless TOO MANY CLIENTS.. in the late fall when I was last there.. Lightening would not move that fast if greased,, It was FLYING, No problems streaming multiple videos if I wished..
But it is a fact that they want to be able to say "Free Wi-FI" or at least "Wi-FI" but they don't want to pay the bucks needed for enough bandwidth.
Oh, I have streamed video here too, Even though he says "Not enough bandwidth"
The room next to the router closes at 8pm.
I stream one hour a week, starting at NINE pm.