[Soapbox On] I have watched the evolution of internet since the 90's (others will remember earlier times) and back when 2400 baud was the standard you were able to get on line and do what limited things were available. As things progressed so did the websites you visited. Satellite internet was pretty good in 2002 since the sites you visited did not contain a lot of content. As time progressed the services improved and the sites provided more and more content. Fast forward to 2013/14 and nearly all the sites you visit are filled with flash/video/photo/data making the demands on ANY internet connection much higher than anything we had to deal with in the past. I had satellite internet for many years and got by just fine with 0.1MB up and 0.7 to 1.2MB down. Today I would likely fall asleep waiting for today's pages to open with this same connection.
We would all like to think that it simply takes the swipe of a pen on a check to make magic happen. However, it's not that simple and in many cases it's not even a possibility due to available bandwidth at that particular location.
We all want to "get away from it all". When we do we forget that the campground is also "away from it all" including internet! If you like camping close in, you will have excellent service when you spend the night close to a 24 hour McDonald's. If you like camping away from services you have to remember that you are away from services. [Soapbox Off]