DownTheAvenue wrote:
. Home Depot did not get to be a great company in a relatively short time by mistreating their customers.
Funny you should pick what I consider one of the least customer friendly places ever. Out of necessity, I use them often. Can't count the number of times I have had to return defective items that shouldn't have made it out of the store. For example, I bought 3 gallon floor paint kits. They were the two part epoxy kits where you mix the color with the epoxy and then spread it. Two out of the three kits were already mixed and the paint hard as a rock. They were obviously returns. 100+ mile round trip to replace, no apology, no nothing. Sure would have been easy for them to look inside the kit to see if it was unused before they put it back on the shelf. I used to buy bundles of construction material until I got two that were obviously "Top Dressed". The top two or three sheets of OSB were fine and the rest were punctured by fork lifts, previously used with nail holes and a few were even previously cut down in size so they weren't even 4x8. And God help you if you need someone to get something off the top shelves, best to schedule it with a couple of hour lunch break. Home Depot would not be my go to argument for good customer service.
As for the OP, many companies require defective items to be returned to the manufacturer. That's because the manufacturer requires it.