WoodGlue wrote:
wbwood wrote:
But you pay $79/year for that free shipping and it's not free shipping on everything at Amazon. I signed up for the trial and have ordered several things. Only about half of them offered the free Prime shipping. Other's I paid for. The Prime membership at Amazon does not automatically give you free shipping on everything.
Amazon Prime comes with a free audio book lending library and over 100,000 movies, tv shows and videos for free.
And at has to do with rv accessories how? My point is that you pay $79 a year for prime. You get free shipping on some things. Not everything on amazon. Trust me, I've shopped around for different things and thought most everything would have free shipping there, but it doesn't.
I do agree that some of the CW shipping rates appear excessive. But it's really not a fair argument on the fact that you are paying for that "free shipping" through amazon. If Marcus said if you join a CW prime club for $80 and you get free shipping on all orders, would it be worth it to you? To some yes. To others no, because they may only order one or two things a year. Also, amazon has multiple distribution locations across the country. CW is shipping out of Kentucky I believe. While centrally located, it does cost them more to send products to the coasts than it does locally. At least with the way they send things. More options of mailing things (USPS, ups, FedEx) would be great. That way, they could ship simple things like a filter or a garden flag in a padded envelope for less than a couple bucks.