garyhaupt wrote:
Thought I'd just show my new antenna as suggested by a guy in a computer shop. Works like a hot damn. Bearing in mind...I don't use a cel card or a stick...I grab a signal when I can from UN-encrytped sites. And please... no lectures.
I got a D Link N600 for $30 from Staples and then a pizza foil plate from a dollar store. 3 for 1.50. Sliced it open so that I could hang the adapter into the middle of the foil pan.
If it works go for it, I love "homebrew" antennas, and such.
No lectures on grabbing someone else wifi. If I didn't want someone using my signal I would secure it. :) I used too have the ssid named FREEWIFI but I no longer have that set up, that was when free wifi was hard to find and smartphones were unheard of.
I made a pringles can antenna many years ago that had outstanding reception. It is amazing what you can put together as a reflector for just a few bucks that will work better then "AS SEEN ON TV" stuff you find for 19.95 (+ processing)