1492 wrote:
I have a Samsung Galaxy Note on RingPlus (Sprint) 700min/700text/750MB-4G LTE - cost: $0.00 month. Two Apple iPhones on PagePlusCellular (Verizon) - cost: $7.00 month. Nokia Lumia 1020(WIN 8) on H20 Wireless (AT&T) - cost: $4.00 month. Needless to day, I don't use my smartphones that much. Mostly for cameras and apps. Sprint is primary and more than covers my needs. If no connection, then AT&T or Verizon.
When I had an AT&T Sony flip phone 10 years ago, I paid $50. month. How things have changed using MVNO.
In 1992 I think it was a cell phone company contacted me about putting a very large tower on some land I owned on the small mountain in Phoenix. We worked out a deal and at the end I told them I want free phones and 30 year free service and calling. They gave me 20 years with a 10 year renew, in 2012 the twenty was up and Verizon have bought out a few company along the way, but wouldn't not renew our agreement. It wasn't worth hiring a lawyer and go down the road, so that is why I'm not real happy about staying with them now that I have to pay. It is a personal thing.