Forum Discussion

dnoonan1953's avatar
Feb 16, 2020

Continuous Omni-Directional Amplified CA-2500 Antenna

Has anybody switched out their CA-2500 antenna for something that actually works?
Been FT for 2 years and we are tired of neighbors with a $25 Walmart antenna getting WAY better reception- we have no obstacles, we're 20 miles from Fort Myers(this winter anyway), amplifier is on, and all connections are tight.
I'd like to take this one off and replace it, but with what?

  • I can answer half of the Yes, you can use the existing coaxial cable. You will have to wait on someone else to answer other question.
  • Thank you all for the replies. Following is, I hope, a more specific question...Can I remove the CA-2500 antenna and use the existing coaxial cable- including the factory installed amplifier/splitter which is behind the tv in our living room? And does the coax carry power to enable running the turn motor?
  • wa8yxm's avatar
    Explorer III
    This poster is not a fan of Omni Directional antennas.

    Winegard Sensar IV with Sensar Pro indoor module. For long range it's hard to beat.. I upgraded my S-III with wingman to an S-IV when I forgot to lower it and .. Well you can figure out the rest... Even that was an upgrade (though there may have been other issues)

    The JACK from king controls (The directional one)( will also outperform an Omni but it does not have the range of the Winegard S-IV

    one thing though Range and "Beam width" (That is how far off center the distant station can be and still come in) are opposed. More range = Less beam width.

    THankfully MOST TV stations tend to "Cluster" Their transmitters.
  • Omnidirectional antennas are not the way to go for RV use, unless you're camped next to the TV tower.
  • Winegard Sensar IV, with accessory sensar panel inside. Range is up to 75 miles, depending on terrain. Best you can do, but it is directional on distant stations. 20miles or so, It will pick up anything in sight, and a few things that are fakes. (fm radio stations)
  • dnoonan1953 wrote:
    Has anybody switched out their CA-2500 antenna for something that actually works?
    Been FT for 2 years and we are tired of neighbors with a $25 Walmart antenna getting WAY better reception- we have no obstacles, we're 20 miles from Fort Myers(this winter anyway), amplifier is on, and all connections are tight.
    I'd like to take this one off and replace it, but with what?


    I think you will get many posts from people who don't understand this antenna. We have that exact antenna on our 5er and they are junk. Last year I bought a small yagi antenna and a pole which I strapped to my ladder when I got to our destination. That worked much better, but this year I am going to replace the factory antenna with this Winegard antenna.

    It cannot work any worse than the antenna, plus the Winegard wont rattle in the wind or catch branches.

    Before anyone wants to inform me on better antennas, I am a ham, I understand antennas and antenna theory. The antenna I posted is my best option, simply because I cannot reach the ceiling to crank a Sensar up and down without getting a ladder out every time I want to do something with it.
  • We changed out both of our POS antennas, one on our 2013 livin lite truck camper and recently on our 2016 livin lite travel trailer. We could only get 1 maybe 2 channels now at least 14-16 channels. DH was scared to tackle it so we had our local dealership to do it. They did have to move the antenna a little from where it was originally was due to the batwing laying down and cut a hole in the roof but it was fairly close to where the old antenna was. So far it's been great, no leaks and high recommend it. The antenna of choice on both campers was a Winegard Sensor IV and both have been flawless. We decided on the batwing because we wanted the extra height it gives when in the up position. We do enjoy watching tv at night when in bed or on a nasty day. No regrets here!
  • Batwing or the Jack are great options.

    If you have a dramatic difference between you and your neighbors try running a coax from their antenna to your stuff. Use it as the signal source and you can use a barrel to couple the signal to your stuff. Of course you need to understand a bit of what you are doing. Or just replace the antenna and go for it.