Texas Two Steppers wrote:
I am having a hard time converting books I check out of my electronic library from EPUB to Kindle. I have downloaded Calibre, bring the books in from the library, but when I try to convert them I get a message that the "no supported source formats were found". Can someone help me out here? Thanks
There are a couple different things going on here and not sure which part is broke. Loading the book into Calibre is one step, converting it from Epub to Mobi is another, then loading to the Kindle is the final step.
First, when you "Add" the book to Calibre, does it show up in the list of books in Calibre? If so, on the right side under Formats does it show Epub? If it does, a single click should open it up in a Calibre reader window. If its DRM protected it will tell you that in the window and not show the text of the book.
If you can read the book in Calibre next would be the conversion to Mobi for the Kindle. If that is failing then it could be a DRM issue or a problem with the Calibre install/config.
This forum is a good resource for Calibre issues: